‘Alhamdulillah’ means all thanks is to Allah-azwj Who has Blessed us with so many gifts.
Can we count these gifts of Allah-azwj? No, no one can, some examples are:
Allah-azwj has Given us a beautiful face, parents, a house to live, food to eat, arms and legs to play, eyes to see,…..(try to count more….)
If you look around, not all people are blessed with what you have, for example blind or deaf or some who do not have legs. We should thank Allah-azwj for everything, which He-azwj has Given to us.
So let us remember to do only good things, which Allah-azwj Likes, and frequently say ‘Alhamdulillah’ for all the gifts Allah-azwj has Given to us.
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq-asws (our 6th Imam-asws) said: Whoever says 4 times in the morning ‘Al-Hamdo lillah hay Rabil Alameen’ الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (All Praise belongs to Allah-azwj, Lord of the worlds) has completed his thanksgiving for that day and if one recites the same thing in the evening, he has completed his thanksgiving for the night.
- Allah-azwj would increase more and more for you when you count His-azwj Bounties and Thank Him-azwj.
- Count 14 bounties of our Allah-azwj which are most important to you.
- Rasool Allah-saww has said: When you notice people who are in difficulties, thank your Allah-azwj who has Spared you but do not let them hear it as it may cause them to feel sad.[1]
A Muslim should be polite and courteous, as an ambassador of his religion.
You should try to extend help to those who ask for it and you are able to help without putting yourself into difficulties, for example, if you are requested to fetch a glass of water, to help your parents with carrying and taking out of shopper groceries and other examples (teacher asks for more ideas where children offer their help).
You should say Jazak – Allah (May Allah-azwj Reward you) when someone is kind to you, helps you in any way or gives you something.
Allah-azwj Says in the Holy Quran: Is there any Reward for good – other than good? (55:60
هَلْ جَزَاء الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ
(Hal jazao alihsani illa alihsanu)
Teachers and parents are to help children with the worksheet below:
When someone helps you or gives you something, you say Jazakallah.
For example: Helping Mummy to sweep up the kitchen, helping with laundry, carrying shopping bags:
LESSON 4: INSHA-ALLAH: إِن شَاء اللَّهُ
Insha-Allah. Insha–Allah. Insha-Allah means that no matter how much we plan something, if Allah-azwj does not Want it to happen, it will not happen.
In the Holy Quran Allah-azwj Says: Surely, We will try them as We tried the owners of the garden, when they swore that they would certainly cut off the produce in the morning, And made no exception (for the Will of Allah-azwj); Then a visitation from their Lord came upon it while they slept (68:17-19).
(They forgot to say Insha-Allah and Allah-azwj Sent Down strong winds, which completely destroyed their fruits).
Teachers and parents to aid children in the worksheet below:
You should always say ‘Insha-Allah’ when you decide to do something.
(Tutor may give some examples of ‘Insha-Allah’, i.e.,):
- I will go for Ziyarat of Imam Hussain-asws in Karbala next year, ‘INSHA-ALLAH’;
- We will hold a majlis next Thursday ‘INSHA-ALLAH’;
- I will buy a new push-bike next week, ‘INSHA-ALLAH’.
A long time ago, in the time of Prophet Sulayman-as , there had been no rain for a long time. All the plants were dying and the people had very little food.
The people asked Prophet Sulayman-as to pray to Allah-azwj for them.
Prophet Sulayman-as came out with his people to pray for rain.
Suddenly he noticed an ant standing on its two legs, raising it’s hands up to the sky and saying:
“O Allah-azwj! We are very small. We cannot survive without Your-azwj help. Please send rain so that we have food to eat.”
Prophet Sulayman-as, who understood the language of the animals, told his people that they could all go home as the prayer of that one little ant was enough.
It then rained heavily and all the land became green.
Teachers and parents to aid children in the worksheet below:
Teacher tells the story of the aunt who thought they will be crushed by the army of Prophet Sulaman-as.
The ant is an intelligent creature. During warm days it collects and stores grain inside the holes. It knows that during wet and cold months, it would not be able to go out to search for food. For fear that grain may start growing because of wetness, it splits it into two or more pieces. At times, during moonlit nights, it brings the split grains out of the stores for drying and preservation against decay. The holes under the ground are made very carefully and covered with shelter to prevent the rain water from getting inside the holes. The ant, unlike the other animals, can lift a burden twice its own weight. It is not a selfish creature. When an ant finds some store of food grains, it runs up to its group and takes its fellow ants to that place. It shows every one of them its own find of the store. They always behave in this manner. They work and live in co-operation with each other.
This shows how the ant works for the group and how each of them fulfils the needs and livelihood of its fellow-beings. How shameful it is for a man, who has no regard for another man; who has no concern for his fellow human beings who could be starving because of want of food.
Once, while Prophet Sulayman-as was travelling together with hosts of men, jinn and birds, they reached a valley of ants.
When the chief of these ants witnessed the splendour and the glory, with which Prophet Sulayman-as and his companions were approaching toward it. He warned all the ants to get into their holes lest they were trampled and crushed unknowingly by the approaching men and Jinn. Prophet Sulayman-as smiled at this warning sounded by the ants’ chief, and ordered his companions to wait until the ants went inside their holes. “None of us should hurt any ant while passing over their land”, he said.
It is said that Prophet Sulayman-as addressed the chief of the ants and said: “How could my people hurt you or your fellow ants when they are floating through air! Don’t you know that I am a messenger of Allah-azwj and would never act unfairly?” The chief of the ants replied: “O Messenger of Allah-azwj! My cautioning the ants was not for any hurt that they would suffer but to prevent them getting astray and forgetting the glory of Allah-azwj after seeing your splendour and might.”
There is a deep meaning in this event. It shows that even the most humble and smallest of creatures has been endowed with the necessary wisdom to live safely and avoid being hurt as far as possible. It also shows how even a small ant does have the natural understanding of the true position of Allah-azwj. It imparts a lesson that one should not forget the true might and glory of Allah-azwj when one experiences a great power and dignity of any creature in this world.
Thus, an Ant is one of the most wonderful small creatures in this world. Sura “Naml” (the Ant) in the Holy Qur’an is a chapter named after this creature. Over 1400 years ago, Imam Ali-asws was giving a sermon in Kufa, in which he was describing the beauties of creation in various forms of life. He was referring to small creatures and asking man to study how Allah-azwj Made them so small yet so sturdy and strong. Imam Ali-asws described the ant in these words:
‘Look at an ant. How tiny is its body and how delicate are its features! It is such a small creature that it often escapes the eye, and few people care to attach any importance to it among the living beings found on this earth. Look at it and study its ways of life; how it crawls, how it attacks its food; how it lifts a grain so many times heavier than its body, carries it to its hole; how it stores grains; and how in summer it gathers and stocks food for winter and rainy days.’
Allah-azwj Likes us to share our things, especially with our brothers and sisters.
Remember that everything we have is a gift from Allah-azwj and Masomeen-asws, and if we were to share it, Allah-azwj will Give us more.
Allah-azwj Sends ‘Salawat’ on His beloved Prophet and his pious progeny (Ahl al-Bayt-asws) and Sends ‘Laan’ (disassociation) on their-asws enemies.
Allah-azwj says:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا (33:56)
(In Allahha wa mal ikatahoo yas aloona al-anabi ya aiyoo hal azeena amino sulloo aleyhe wa salimoo thaslyma)
Surely Allah-azwj and His angels (send) Salawat on the Prophet; O you who believe! (you too) send Salawat (Divine blessings) on him and submit to him with a (complete) submission.
Allah-azwj has asked us in the (holy) Qur’an to recite Salawat for the Holy Prophet-saww and his family-asws, because of His-azwj great love for them-asws.
The meanings of Salawat:
When you are reciting Salawat you are asking Allah-azwj to send His-azwj blessings to the Prophet Muhammad-saww and his holy family-asws.
The Prophet-saww’s (holy) family are:
- Imam Ali-asws ibn Abi Talib-asws
- Syeda Binte Rasool Allah-asws, and
- 11 Imams-asws after them-asws
Whenever you hear the name of our Holy Prophet-saww or his family-asws you should recite Salawat.
When you hear the name of our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi-asws, you should:
- stand up
- put your right hand on your head
- bow down your head and recite Salawat
This is because our 12th Imam is always watching us and is our Imam-asws of our time.
When you are sitting not knowing what to do (for example, when you do not understand the majlis in a mosque), you should recite as many Salawat as you can.
Insha-Allah on the Day of Judgement the Holy Prophet-saww and his family-asws will ask Allah-azwj to forgive us, in return for all the Salawat we have sent to them-asws.
Teachers and parents to aid children in the worksheet below:
Write the names Holy Prophet-saww and Ahl Al-Bayt-asws (His-saww pious family-asws) in Arabic. Remember to recite Salawat after you have finished writing each holy name.
Teacher may name them one after another, Hassan-asws ibn Ali-asws, Hussain-asws ibn Ali-asws, Ali-asws ibn Hussain-asws, Mohammed ibn Ali-asws, Jafar-asws ibn Mohammed-asws, Musa-asws ibn Jafar-asws, Ali-asws ibn Musa-asws, Mohammed-asws ibn Ali-asws, Mohammad-asws ibn Ali-asws, Hassan-asws ibn Ali-asws and Mohammed-asws ibn Hassan-asws (12th Imam-asws).
‘Laan’ means to pray to Allah-azwj to denounce the enemies of His-azwj Religion:
Allah-azwj Says: Those who conceal the clear (Signs) We have sent down, and the Guidance, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book,-on them shall be Allah’s curse, and the curse of those People allowed to curse![2]
Allah-azwj Says: Surely (as for) those who speak evil things of Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He has prepared for them a chastisement bringing disgrace.[3]
‘Tabarra’ means to disassociate from the enemies of Allah-azwj and Ahl Al-Bayt-asws:
Allah-azwj Wants us to disassociate ourselves from Shaitan-la and anything or anybody that represents Shaitan-la.
[1] Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, Chapter Al-Shukr, H. 23.
[2] 2:159
[3] 33:57